Parlour Muscle Soak

Parlour Muscle Soak

Though so many dancers make it look effortless, pole dancing is in fact a remarkably strenuous, exhaustive pursuit. There have been days when I’ve barely been able to lift my arms or walk without a limp after a particularly grueling class. In which case, muscle soaks can be exceptionally effective to help soothe pain, relieve inflammation, and ease muscle fatigue. And though basic epsom salt baths can be sufficient, I prefer the below combination for a more potent, sensory experience.

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Pole Priestess Tarot Reading

Pole Priestess Tarot Reading

Just as I am seduced and enchanted by pole dancing, I am equally enamored by the mystique of tarot. And I know what you are thinking: tarot?! On a pole dance blog?!  But as I’ve mentioned, Pole Parlour is a complex creature with a desire to inspire and explore not just the art of pole, but also the overarching feminine spirit.

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