Pole Dancing Robots

Pole Dancing Robots

Have you ever found yourself so deep in the depths of the internet that you lose track of all space and time, unable to remember how you even got there in the first place?! That’s rhetorical. Of course you have. Point being: this is how I found out about pole dancing robots. Yup. Pole dancing robots. So naturally, I had to dive deeper into this black hole.

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The Art of Seduction: Chair Dance

The Art of Seduction: Chair Dance

One of the things I love about my pole dance studio is the offering of ancillary erotic dance classes. I’ll save my stump speech on how I think these are an essential part of a well-rounded pole education, and instead jump right into the topic of today’s post: chair dancing. Slash lap dancing. VA VA VOOM!

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Video: Fearless Freestyle

Video: Fearless Freestyle

I remember when I first started poling, the internal freak-outs I would have when it came time to freestyle to a song at the end of class. And honestly, who am I kidding: I still have those internal freak outs now! Sometimes I just feel like a deer in headlights. There are so many options, so many countless moves, that my mind goes blank.

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